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Miracle always places community engagement on the same level as the organization's growth and business. We believe that by improving and growing, we can help bring progressive growth and improvement to the communities that we live and work in. Everyone from our leadership to our employees, strive and trust in this core principle of giving back to the community.
We walk the talk when it comes to our motto of "Growing Together"; providing valuable industry resources to student communities, collaborating with local NGOs and healthcare providers to deliver medical camps to rural areas and building incredible technology solutions that impact the lives of many for the better.
Someone once said, "The most powerful leadership tool you have is your own personal example". From building a 800 acre Integrated Campus in a drought-prone rural Indian village which didn't even have power and telecommunication lines or proper roads to establishing industry-academia programs that can help change the living conditions of these rural communities, our leadership team has always led by example. These efforts have resulted in bringing in state of the art technology to these communities, driving employment creation and providing quality education to these communities, thus improving their living standards and happiness index.
We trust that our growth and success will create positive ripples in the communities and lives around us by improving health in rural communities
We believe in our employees and leadership engaging with our community for improving education and creating the future leaders
We strive to bring technology, social awareness and knowledge to our communities to create better opportunities in a digital economy
Providing education to girls in rural areas can have a huge impact on uplifting the community around them and help them out of their poverty. Each year, Miracle provides several funds and scholarships to create better educational opportunities for rural communities and girls specifically. These programs help empower them to build their lives for a future happy family and earn a stable livelihood, thereby transforming the rural communities one at a time.
Miracle believes in expanding the horizon for rural communities and creating better opportunities for them. From setting up our Global Delivery Center in rural Andhra Pradesh, India to establishing a not-for-profit educational society, we are continuously striving to provide rural empowerment through education, training and awareness.
Miraclites collaborate with local healthcare providers, community leaders and NGOs to deliver programs such as blood donation camps, medical camps for rural villages and supplying educational materials to rural schools and villages.
The farmers community in rural India continues to struggle to make a decent living, leading to malnutrition, wealth depletion and increasing poverty. Our Founder and CEO, Prasad Lokam, believes that we can empower these farmers with innovative ideas, empowering them to adopt natural farming and educating them about commercial crops, thus leading to positive ripples in the social fabric of rural India.
In 2020, under Miracle's leadership, a Moringa Nursery was started with over 20,000 seedlings being planted and distributed to farmers, encouraging them to grow 4-5 Moringa plants themselves which can provide nutritious food and an alternate source of income.
In 2019 we built a Natural Farming Pilot Project in our Miracle City campus to help grow a few varieties of commercial crops using trellis mechanism and herbal products based pest control. As a part of this program, we also helped farmers with the technology know-how to manufacture their own compost by using their farm and yard waste and reduce their spending on fertilizers.
It is expected that 1 in every 8 women will develop invasive breast cancer over the course of her lifetime. When detected and treated early, the 5-year relative survival for localized breast cancer is 99%. Awareness and research can save lives.
Every October, Miracle’s team members participate in awareness programs to spread Breast Cancer Awareness. We as an organization also proudly donate to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation annually as we continue to try and do our part for the research related to the prevention and cure of breast cancer. There is only one way that we can make a difference - Together.
Miracle has always been committed to empowering communities with the required skills and exposure for a digitally-driven workforce. Our leadership team strongly believes that we can better the lives and opportunities of local communities by enabling the skills needed for the workforce of tomorrow.
In 2016, Miracle's founder and CEO, Prasad Lokam, launched the AP Cloud initiative - a program funded completely by Miracle with the sole focus of enabling the local student community with the skills needed for digital transformation. Till date Miraclites have run hundreds of free workshops, events, webinars and hackathons thus providing technology learning opportunities for thousands of students.