On-Demand Webinar

Cognitive Computing

Why Google Cloud Platform is a Game-Changer in Cloud Computing


Madhu Vadlamani

Practice Manager - Data and Advanced Analytics Miracle Software Systems, Inc.
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On-Demand Webinar

December 02, 2022
Why Google Cloud Platform is a Game-Changer in Cloud Computing

Madhu Vadlamani

Practice Manager - Data and Advanced Analytics Miracle Software Systems, Inc.
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Online Webinar

December 02, 2022

08:30 AM to 09:30 AM EST

Why Google Cloud Platform is a Game-Changer in Cloud Computing


Madhu Vadlamani

Practice Manager - Data and Advanced Analytics Miracle Software Systems, Inc.
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Google Cloud Platform is a suite of cloud computing services that enables developers to build, test, and deploy applications on public, private, and hybrid cloud environments. It is integrated with three major services, including Infrastructure-as-a-service(IAAS), Platform-as-a-service(PAAS), and Software-as-a-service(SAAS), which are divided into 13 major architectures to handle any kind of data-related challenges.

Join us and watch the on-demand webinar relay video, to learn how GCP competes with AWS and Azure and stands out as the game-changer in the cloud computing space. Also, our teams will demonstrate the importance of the Google Cloud platform to help students boost their skills.

Miracle Loader

Cognitive Computing

Google Cloud Platform is a suite of cloud computing services that enables developers to build, test, and deploy applications on public, private, and hybrid cloud environments. It is integrated with three major services, including Infrastructure-as-a-service(IAAS), Platform-as-a-service(PAAS), and Software-as-a-service(SAAS), which are divided into 13 major architectures to handle any kind of data-related challenges.

Join us on December 02nd, 2022, at 07:00 PM IST to learn how GCP competes with AWS and Azure and stands out as the game-changer in the cloud computing space. Also, our teams will demonstrate the importance of the Google Cloud platform to help students boost their skills.

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